产品名称 : | PH9316 | 尼罗红 尼罗丝 Nile Red CAS号:7385-67-3 |
产品品牌 : | 飞净 PHYGENE |
稳定性:Stable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.
Nile Red is a lipophilic fluorescent dye that can be used as a lipophilic probe to locate and quantify intracellular lipids, especially neutral lipid droplets. As an environmentally sensitive fluorescent probe, Nile red is basically non-fluorescent in water and other polar solvents, but it shows significant fluorescence enhancement and absorption/emission spectrum blue shift (Ex/Em~552/636nm, methanol solution) in non-polar environments, which can be detected by fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry. Flow cytometry for Nile red (single stain) and Nile red/anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (double stain) can be used to monitor phospholipid deposition (PLD) in peripheral blood leucocytes and lymphocytes.
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