产品名称 : | PH0523 | 中性红染色液 Neutral Red Staining Solution |
产品品牌 : | 飞净 PHYGENE |
规格:100mL | 500mL
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中性红是一种弱碱性 pH 指示剂,变色范围 pH6.4~8.0之间(由红变黄)。在中性或微碱性环境中,植物的活细胞能大量吸收中性红并向液泡中排泌,由于液泡在一般情况下呈酸性反应,因此,进入液泡的中性红便解离出大量阳离子而呈现樱桃红色,在这种情况下,原生质和细胞壁一般不着色;死细胞由于原生质变性凝固,细胞液不能维持在液泡内,因此,用中性红染色后,不产生液泡着色现象,相反,中性红的阳离子,却与带有一定负电荷的原生质及细胞核结合,而使原生质与细胞核染色。
中性红染色液(Neutral Red stain,0.33% )是一种组织或细胞染色时常用的可以把细胞核染成红色的染色液。用中性pH的等渗缓冲液配制,可直接用于活体细胞或组织的染色。
中性红染色液(Neutral Red stain,0.5%)是一种组织或细胞染色时常用的可以把细胞核染成红色的染色液,常用于组织或细胞染色中细胞核的红色复染。
中性红染色液(Neutral Red stain,0.1%)是一种组织或细胞染色时常用的可以把细胞核染成红色的染色液,可用于细胞常规染色。
Neutral Red is most commonly used for histological stain for lysosymes but has also been incorporated in investigation of viruses, as a pH indicator, determination of DNA with optical and electrochemical methods, evalutaion of synthetic and naturally derived biomaterials. Neutral red can be electrochemically polymerized and used as a redox mediator. The compound once taken up by cells can be used to acertain cell viability with a excitation maximum at 470 nm and emission maximum at 580nm.
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